I have always wondered how powerful the female gender is!Starting from genesis "EVE" remember her i can't say she is to blame for where we are,at least Adam could have said no!thinking about it he had a choice. In my association with the female specie believe me i am around many of them!!! it's the way in which they seem to convince you without seeming as coming on strong or forcing you!Then we remember "SAMSON" as strong as he was DELILAH was his nemesis,and remember Alexander the great, his mother was very influential in his life at some stage!
So the proverbial saying which goes thus "behind every successful man is a woman" should also have "behind a down trodden man could also be a woman".
my reason for saying this is because a woman either makes or breaks u. There are some women oh my God!when they step in to your life things step up too, they inspire you, drive you, give u reason to do what you do, they encourage you they take you closer to your dream, your destiny.Have u ever felt down and all you needed to do was to give your wife a call and hear her voice on the other end and when i mean down i dont mean HORNY oh!!!
But on the flip side of the coin!kai! some women they drive u further from your destiny,exhaust you,drain you,discourage you, talk down on you,you are going home u are afraid or sad because you dont know wot she has up her sleeve,the list is endless!
So brothers when it comes to choosing that mate, above all the hips,lips and the rest, Does she move you sooo much that you are ready to take on the world?that's a question you definitely need to answer!!!!!!!!!
Next time i'l be talking about a man's influence!
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